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Growing Regulatory Concerns For A Niche Health Care Actor

Recent New York-based news relevant to the health care industry bears special significance for one emerging class of participants in that realm, on at least two material fronts. First, a recent money settlement clearly indicates a newly heightened regulatory focus on so-called “digital health companies,” which most consumers might more familiarly know as online health Read More

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New Safety Concerns: More For Medical Entities To Oversee, Manage

Opportunities, yes. And challenges across all dimensions, too, with related management and liability concerns — a reality that is simply a commonplace for American medical actors across all spheres. Any individual in New York or elsewhere who is even remotely connected with the medical industry in any capacity flatly knows the unrelenting bureaucratic and regulatory Read More

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FDA Drug Approval: Too Fast, Too Slow Or Just About Right?

In the realm of federal oversight over marketplace drug approval, do officials from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration act so cautiously that they dangerously slow up the process and materially delay the marketplace entrance of new drugs and medications that many consumers badly need? Or, conversely, do they signal approval in precipitous fashion, so Read More

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Will Increasingly More Medical Actors Become Litigation Targets?

One commentator in a recent national media focus on medical actors being targeted in criminal and civil investigations refers to “a new permutation” that is well worth noting in the health care industry. He calls it “the beginning of the next round” for what might be in store for legions of medical industry participants, ranging Read More

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Focus: Expanded Liability Potential For Health-Care Entities

If you are a covered entity in any matter involving the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA), you might derive some comfort from knowing that the legislation does not provide for a private right of legal action against you for any alleged wrongdoing under that law. In other words, HIPPA does Read More

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Recent Medical Study Underscores Scrutiny Of Health Care Industry

It really never stops, and that implacable reality becomes firmly cemented for any actor within the medical field the instant that he or she begins training for an ultimate position as a doctor, pharmacist, lab technician, therapist, facility administrator or other role in the industry. “It” is this: the unrelenting scrutiny that is focused on Read More

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Help For Complexities Associated With The Health Care Industry

A variety of concerns can arise related to the health care industry and health care law such as the multitude of technical and complex concerns associated with regulatory and compliance issues in the health care industry. It is important to have protections when being questioned concerning health care law compliance, as well as to have Read More

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2017: A Year Of Continuing Challenges For The Health Care Industry

As we duly note on a health law-related page of our website at the proven New York law firm of Daniels, Porco & Lusardi, LLP, the American health care industry is replete with “layers of regulatory and compliance issues that must be addressed.” Everyone who is involved at all with the industry — and that Read More

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Just How Hard Is It To Understand HIPAA’s Many Requirements?

Can you remember approximately when it was that you first received a multi-page HIPAA mailer communicating to you in seemingly endless detail — and fine print — all the parameters regarding medical providers’ use of your health care data? You likely can’t, although you might recollect that the thick envelope in your mailbox was a Read More

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Considering A Health Care M&A Transaction? 6 Risks You May Overlook

In an industry as heavily regulated as health care, every company needs an edge on compliance. A successful organization will have to identify and wade through layers of legal issues, and when it has, along may come buyout offer. Or perhaps you’re considering buying or merging with another health care organization? Before you consider your Read More

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